This is an example of an assignment undertaken within the last two years. I am a versatile consultant with capabilities in procurement, negotiation and proposal management.
This is case study #8 and involves supporting a medium sized business to win more business through better proposal management.


The CEO of the medium sized business wants to grow the business, but had given up on responding to large tenders as a way of winning more business. This was because the tenders took so long to complete and submit, and because his win rate was zero. As a last 'throw of the dice', he engaged me to help write some proposals


There were two key tasks; the first was to respond to the RFPs and (hopefully) get to the shortlist. The second was to create a legacy of a library of standard responses and assets that could be used in future proposals.


I worked with the CEO to develop 'win themes' for each opportunity. How could we win, and how could we create a 'red thread' that reiterated the key messages throughout the response document? I adopted a standardised response format (NOSE) and drafted responses to the prospect's questions with compliant and evidence based content.


The client achieved a 100% success rate at getting to the shortlist and had no bids rejected for non-compliance. He even won some new work and grew the business in line with his business plan