This is an example of an assignment undertaken within the last two years. I am a versatile consultant with capabilities in procurement, negotiation and proposal management.
This is case study #4 and involves reviewing an organisation's spend portfolio, identifying opportunities and realising the benefits from selected category plans


The organisation wanted better outcomes from their spend portfolio. The problem was they had no in-house capability to analyse their spend, to identify opportunities or to realise the opportunities.


The client commissioned me to analyse an Excel file exported from their general ledger and conduct an opportunity analysis. The next task was realise the latent value in the spend by leading benefit realisation for selected opportunities.


I cleansed, analysed and classified 130,000 rows of Excel spend data. I used this to identify what opportunities existed to release value. I then recommended which categories should be pursued and suggested at a high level the 'what?' and the 'how?' With the client's approval, I then developed and implemented detailed category strategies.


At the time of writing, I am working collaboratively with the client to drive out the benefits on two critical categories.