This is an example of an assignment undertaken within the last two years. I am a versatile consultant with capabilities in procurement, negotiation and proposal management.
This is case study #14 and involved supporting a professional services organisation in proposal management.


The professional services company wanted an external 'pair of eyes' to review their proposal management processes. The sales team were doing OK in winning business, but the GM wanted to take the business to the next level.


The task was to review a selection of past RFPs and the client's proposals and generate opportunities for improvement.


One of the proposals shared was a 'live' proposal. I reviewed the prospect's RFP without reading my client's draft response, and reverse engineered the evaluation framework including evaluation criteria and estimated weightings. I then reviewed my client's draft response against my suggested 'win themes'. I gave feedback to the client, highlighting the opportunities to better focus their capabilities on their prospect's key needs


The client accepted some of the feedback and submitted a conforming proposal (no update on success at the time of writing.) They also accepted that some previous proposals had a low chance of success and we are working on a pragmatic 'go/no-go' mechanism.