This is an example of an assignment undertaken within the last two years. I am a versatile consultant with capabilities in procurement, negotiation and proposal management.
This is case study
#1 and involves reviewing current governance, developing an alternate solution and winning support for the simplified and streamlined governance framework.


A public sector body recognised that they needed to update their procurement governance. Stakeholder feedback was that the existing governance was too long, overly complex and confusing.


The task was to review the existing governance, identify what was no longer 'fit for purpose', and design new policy and procedures. The assignment also required the creation of new artefacts, such as tools and templates.


I reviewed existing governance and also consulted with a variety of stakeholders. I then created a 'wireframe' of draft governance, which was accepted. I then created the detailed governance and artefacts, and then sought final feedback from stakeholders.


After one round of edits, the client accepted the new governance framework. The new framework is simpler and more streamlined than before, and includes clear guidance on 'what needs to be done, how, when and by whom'